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Showing posts from December, 2007

The duck has to go!

35:365 - Only Room For 1 Originally uploaded by Ryan Paul Kikuchi I'm using this to give a short update on my declutter effort. And since spring cleaning is just around the corner for a lot of you; getting a few tips head start won't hurt. I haven't gotten to a point yet that I am comfortable with yet. Albeit, the path is proving to be fruitful. I've thrown out lots of stuff I haven't used in long while. Even things I would have hung onto emotionally in the past. It's true what they say. It gets easier over time. Similar to the Zero-Inbox phenomenon; once you get use to deleting e-mails while you're processing them you get really fast and good at throwing away what you don't need anymore. I'm not necessarily decluttering because I need more space but to get the stuff out of my life that I don't have any use for anymore. And somethings I just want to get rid of because they are bulky and ugly. I currently don't have any designated st...

Going Gordon Freeman on Criminals' Asses

Going Gordon Freeman on Criminals' Asses Originally uploaded by tjwilde Another great note left by somebody who is clearly pissed.