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Showing posts from 2008


THE BROKEN TORII on the SHORES OF LAKE HARUNA, JAPAN Originally uploaded by Okinawa Soba


Shinkansen Originally uploaded by Jaako I really want to visit Japan some day. It's a country and culture that has always fascinated me.

Damn procrastination

Bella VS! Domo Originally uploaded by mattzor In German there is the idiom of "der innere Schweinehund". And basically translates to the inner voice inside telling you to chill and do that thing your supposed to do some other time but definitely not now. I'm fighting him right now. I have a presentation due on Monday and I haven't gotten far yet.

Checkout subversion via ssh

Just a quick subversion tip You don't need to install a full Apache with WebDav to have access to your subversion repository over a network. As long as you have ssh access svn can wrap that. Just take a look at the way you would check this out. (This is just one line) localhost: user$ svn co svn+ssh://othermac.local//path_to_subversion_repository/project_name/trunk project_name