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Showing posts from 2006

A quest for glory.

IMG_0977.JPG Originally uploaded by itsbetteronamac . Now, I've been reading rumor blogs for quite some time now. Speculation on a new iBook. Since mine broke down late October 05. I've been so sad my little friend has failed me. But then the big surprise. The rumors came true. Apples new iBook successor is on the market. The MacBook. Sleek, sexy, and black. I love the design of the keyboard. I always knew Apple would give the next generation a cool new look as they did when the ClamShell had to go. The keyboard is a dream come true. The only thing I'm concerned about is the glossy screen. I've always been skeptic about them. I'll have to see a MacBook hands on and use it a couple of minutes to really find out if I can cope with the gloss. But one way or another I've got a quest for MacBook glory. Now I'll just need to spice up my income somehow. Maybe sell a few organs :) No really I'll have to get into some freelancing of some sort.
You just have to check out this video. Having lived in Bavaria once and knowing what those dances look like in real and imagining(long sentence eh?) what it would look like in real life, is pretty hilarious. Plus that there's soda in thoe Maß(German name for those huge beer mugs. Pronounced like the MA in Mars. And actually like Mars without the R. Mas )

Need more bling?

And just when you thought 40 pound necklaces, diamonds rings, golden knuckle braces and piercings galore were bad. You haven't seen this guys web shop. He's serious about it. Why is it people have to go through this just to get some bling on. Mr T. used to be my bling bling hero, but today he just looks like any other brother on the streets. read more  |  digg story

Need more bling?

And just when you thought 40 pound necklaces, diamonds rings, golden knuckle braces and piercings galore were bad. You haven't seen this guys web shop. He's serious about it. Why is it people have to go through this just to get some bling on. Mr T. used to be my bling bling hero, but today he just looks like any other brother on the streets. read more  |  digg story

Spring is finally Coming

spring is coming Originally uploaded by fernandadesu . I feel it in the air. Spring is here. And to acompany this feeling I've found a very nice picture on flickr. Overall I'm feeling pretty good now that spring has come around. I am currently working on my Ruby on Rails skills and finally got around to developing my personal homepage. It will be launched at the end of April. Which is a very small timeframe for what I've planed to do. You've got to push yourself from time to time to see what you can achieve.

Opera overtakes Firefox

The latest preview of the skandinavian browser Opera 9 successfully passes the Acid 2 test. Opera staff-member Tim Altman documents the build versions tests results with screenshots on his webpage . Opera's latest build test result: View a screenshot.

Bin Laden

According to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup survey conducted in December 2005, 68% of Americans believe that the United States will not be able to capture or kill Bin Laden in 2006. And you know what? There are more important things so spend money on than to look for that old idiot hiding somewhere in the middle of nowhere between Afganistan and Pakistan. It would probably piss him off way more if we just ignore him and laugh about him, than to take him seriously.

Life is good...

Wow, I didn't post in here a long time I guess. So I guess whoever if anybody reading this could use an update. Well my new job is fun. I program web applications all day long. It's actually better than college because I finally get to go hands on with programing. The theory is over! I like coding and college wasn't enough of it for me. Anyhow I'm pretty exited about Apple's iLife '06 suite. The apps are pretty cool, especially the new iMovie. It really kicks ass. I'm really thinking about buying it, also because of the new GarageBand and its podcasting functionality. If you want to check the whole details out yourself go head on over to Apple's website.