Now, I've been reading rumor blogs for quite some time now. Speculation on a new iBook. Since mine broke down late October 05. I've been so sad my little friend has failed me. But then the big surprise. The rumors came true. Apples new iBook successor is on the market. The MacBook. Sleek, sexy, and black. I love the design of the keyboard. I always knew Apple would give the next generation a cool new look as they did when the ClamShell had to go. The keyboard is a dream come true. The only thing I'm concerned about is the glossy screen. I've always been skeptic about them. I'll have to see a MacBook hands on and use it a couple of minutes to really find out if I can cope with the gloss. But one way or another I've got a quest for MacBook glory. Now I'll just need to spice up my income somehow. Maybe sell a few organs :) No really I'll have to get into some freelancing of some sort.
What's happened? Well, I still don't have my new PC. But, I have ordered the new components, though. It will be a P4 530, with a GigaByte 8I915P-Duo Pro-A motherboard. I haven't made my final decision about what graphic card it will be. I'm tending to a GeForce6600 GT. Probably the GV-NX66T128D, also form GigaByte.
What have I been doing the past month? Well I used a great part of my time studying hardware guides and forums, to make a well informed decision about my new PC. The other part of my time, well, college lectures started again. So I've been investing time in that as well. The bit of spare time left I used for online playing. Hmm?? Online playing, I thought your PC was broke! You might say. Well that's where my girlfriend comes in. She let me borrow her PC very often. That way it won't be like starting online play all over again. :)